Coming soon - taking preorders.
The Mimosa Acoustics' OtoStat binaural* auditory diagnostic system offers different methods to assess middle-ear and inner-ear status. The lightweight hardware combines state-of-the-art data collection electronics with a low-noise, high-sensitivity ear probe. The Audio Processing Unit plugs into a standard USB 3 slot in a PC computer.
OtoStat binaural is a research-only system at this time. Made in the USA.
* True binaural tests include MOCR and MEMR. All other modules test one ear at a time, but use a dedicated ear probe for each ear. Save time and effort by setting up test batteries using the Sequencer to systematically evaluate each ear automatically using multiple protocols in a pre-determined order.
The OtoStation software provides instant, easy access to patient records, test history records, and the measurement modules. From this interface, multiple software measurement modules may be activated, depending on your needs.
All OAE modules can use standard or forward-pressure level in situ calibration - your choice. All measurement modules come with a range of test protocols and the ability to configure your own.
The OtoStation main window provides instant, easy access to patient records, test history records, and the measurement modules.