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Our fully-featured HearID system allows you to run a variety of MEPA and OAE tests, with huge configurability. More...


Our streamlined OtoStat handheld, touchscreen, system allows you to run MEPA wideband acoustic immittance and DPOAE tests quickly and easily, with no compromises on quality. With version 2.0, add the OtoStation patient management software system. More...

Research Systems

Contact us to discuss your research needs. We can adapt our existing systems to deliver the protocols you need, or help you translate new laboratory-based audiological tests to the clinic. We have a long history of product development in partnership with NIH, SBIR, STTR, ONR, and other funding programs (both awarded to Mimosa Acoustics and as sub-contractors).

Which is right for me?

Choose OtoStat if you want a portable, handheld device, that quickly and easily does MEPA and DPOAE testing. Protocols are preconfigured and run automatically. OtoStat is ideal for many clinicians, including those running screening and mobile outreach programs, ENTs, etc.

Choose HearID if you want the ability to do MEPA, DPOAE, and/or TEOAE testing, and to configure your test protocols. If you are a researcher, HearID provides SFOAE and MOCR measurement modules. HearID is ideal for people needing flexibility and configurability, including clinical audiologists and hearing researchers. HearID is run connected to a laptop computer.