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Products from Mimosa Acoustics

OtoStat monaural

OtoStat® Auditory Diagnostic System

The Mimosa Acoustics' OtoStat monaural auditory diagnostic system offers different methods to assess middle-ear and inner-ear status. The lightweight hardware combines state-of-the-art data collection electronics with a low-noise, high-sensitivity ear probe. The Audio Processing Unit plugs into a standard USB 3 slot in a PC computer.

Made in the USA.

OtoStat for Clinicians

OtoStat 3.3 (monaural) is a friendly, portable device for testing middle-ear wideband acoustic immittance with MEPA and for testing the inner-ear with DPOAEs. Use the OtoStation software on your computer to manage and test patients with the connected OtoStat. Use clinical protocols compatible with insurance codes. Print and export (Hi*Track, OZ, and MS Excel).

OtoStat monaural is an FDA 510(k) legally marketed device for MEPA and DPOAE measurements.

OtoStat for Researchers

Take advantage of a clinically-friendly software and hardware package by adding modules from an extensive range of auditory tests. Design your own measurement protocols and test sequences. Calibrate using forward pressure level. Real-time views offer multiple display options. Data export to Excel provides access to all measurement details ready for post hoc analyses. Also available is a binaural research-only OtoStat.

Measurement modules

The OtoStation software provides instant, easy access to patient records, test history records, and the measurement modules. From this interface, multiple software measurement modules may be activated, depending on your needs. Test sequences may be configured for easy test administration.

All OAE modules can use standard or forward-pressure level in situ calibration - your choice. All measurement modules come with a range of test protocols and the ability to configure your own.

OtoStation® Screenshots

The OtoStation main window provides instant, easy access to patient records, test history records, and the measurement modules.

OtoStation Screenshot of Patient Database
OtoStation main window showing patient and test history list.
OtoStation Screenshot of Measurement Review
OtoStation measurement  window allows multiple graphical and tabular views. Set up your favorite view.

OtoStat Hardware

Mimosa Acoustics' OtoStat monaural system photo
OtoStat hardware: USB Audio Processing Unit, MEPA Calibration Cavity Set, and Ear Probe.
  • 24-bit proprietary Audio Processing Unit (USB); used for digital-signal processing.
  • Two-speaker ear probe wtih sensitive low-noise microphone.
  • Mimosa Acoustics 4-cavity calibration set.
  • Disposable foam and rubber eartips for comfortable, stable, probe insertion. Six sizes available, suitable for infants to adults.
  • All components fit into a rugged carry case.
  • A laptop computer is not provided, but is required. It must meet the minimum specifications. For the latest specifications, refer to the OtoStat Brochure (pdf).

OtoStat Resources